DivineRevelations Spiritlessons

Killing to get to Heaven

Atomic Power of Prayer (FULL, Fixed, Anointed) by Dr. Cindy Trimm! Spiritual Warfare

Daughter of satanist high priest [Nancy Dunn]

Muslim gives JESUS 1 Week

Angry, Drunk, wife beating Muslim encounters Jesus.

you Can't Praise JESUS any better than this...

Prayer Language, Speaking in Tongues, how satan stops Christians from receiving the gift of Tongues

KILLING our Christian Son

Divine Healing Technician: John G. Lake DHT Training on How to Heal

Spiritual Warfare 2

A Song from Heaven - Angelic Deliverance Song in Greek then English

Advanced Tactics of Spiritual Warfare - NUWI Nighttime Unified Warfare Intercession

Practicing the Presence of GOD by Brother Lawrence

Jesus Confronts a Terrorist

Casting Out demons - Performing Deliverance

Lies used against Praying in Tongues

Part 1: Three Days to Victory! The Amazing story of what Jesus did during those 3 days in the grave.

Best Gospel Presentation to share Jesus

The Heavenly Man

Jewish Man explains Jesus/Yeshua

My Time in HEAVEN by Richard Sigmund (Full/Fixed/Subtitled)

Heavenly Blood - Mary K Baxter

Caught in a Celestial Hug

✟ Victory in Spiritual Warfare II